March 27 – Start Where You Are

I use my GPS often in my travels. With the advancement of technology most people these days have them on their phones. At any given time you can discover where you are and where you need to go. Within seconds you can have detailed directions to any place in the world. The particular version I have on my phone always asks me if I want to start from my “current location.” It’s as though it is saying, “You can get to where you want to go from right where you are. You can start right here, you can start right now. Just trust me, and I will show you the way.”

If we trusted the Lord the same way we trust our GPS, life would be less complicated. God has a plan for your life –I realize that sounds cliché and overused, but it is a reality. Many people fail to embrace His plan because they do not realize the starting point. Right here, right now, God is inviting all of us to follow Him, to trust Him, to listen to Him.

He has mapped the way, He has scouted the trail, He has charted the course. He has already surveyed the scenery and knows the exact turns you and I should take. Start at your current location and listen to His instruction and guidance. Right here, right now you can begin to trust God. Not only will you get to your desired location, you’ll enjoy the trip.

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