I had recently told my wife that we needed to improve our lawn care. It had been several years since we had a company who maintained our weed and feed, and I was going to intentionally look for someone to give me a price. Within an hour of that conversation a local company actually called me to see if we needed service or maintenance.
After a few minutes of explaining our needs, I gave the salesman all of our information; he seemed genuinely surprised that I was so eager to talk with him and give him my business. I then asked him how many calls he had made on this one particular day, and how many contracts he secured. He just laughed, and said, “Well sir, you are the first one out of thousands of phone calls.” Ironically enough he called at the right time and found someone who was looking for what he had to offer.
The same holds true in soul-winning. In this generation you may witness to thousands of people and knock on hundreds of doors and never get any response. Fulfilling the Great Commission can become tedious and discouraging if you consider the typical reply of those you try to reach. But if you keep on working, you are bound to find someone who realizes you have something they need. As a matter of fact, that person may have been waiting for your call, your tract, or your timely word.