February 26 – Union and Communion

Our relationship with the Lord can be described in two words: union and communion.  Our union with Christ took place at conversion.  We were forever united in the family of God through the blood of the Lamb.  Our union can never be altered, changed, or undone.   

     Our communion with Christ speaks of the condition of that relationship.  Our union in Christ can never be changed, but our communion with Christ fluctuates.  Communion is based upon our obedience, holiness, and willingness to spend time with Him. Our union with Christ is a divine work; communion is a personal responsibility.

     It is possible to have union with the Lord and have very little communion.  Consider the bond of marriage.  You can’t be any less or any more married (this is your union), but you can have a stronger or weaker marriage (this is your communion).

     The same holds true in your relationship with Christ.  You can’t be any more or any less saved than you already are; but you can have more or less joy in the relationship.  The difference in a strong communion and a weak communion is the time, energy, and effort you put into the relationship.  Rejoice in your union, but be committed in your communion.

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