February 23 – The Nobility of Service

One of my favorite quotes on service is by T.W. Manson.  He said, “In the kingdom of God, service is not a stepping stone to nobility-it is nobility, the only kind that is recognized.”  Service and humility is foreign to our culture.  Today’s brand of Christianity is geared more toward accumulation than distribution.  Most of the effort in Christendom these days is about what we get over what we give.  

     We determine our ministerial well-being by corporate standards rather than Christ-like service.  We want, as the mother of James and John wanted for her sons, to be seated in glory and recognition without drinking the cup of suffering and humility.  But glory never comes in that order.  True glory is actually discovered through humble service.  

     Do you live in continual service to the Master?  Have you bowed with Him in the upper room to wash the feet of others?  Have you touched the leprous brow to extend healing and grace?  Have you spoken words of kindness to the downtrodden and sinful?  God is not looking for stars, just servants who will be transformed into the image of Christ- that’s the greatest move toward nobility you can experience.