January 28 – Small Mountains

Years ago a well-trained mountain climber was honored by his many years of exploratory work.  He had climbed the world’s most challenging mountains and faced some of the most grueling terrains you could imagine.  His colleagues and friends convinced him to extend his knowledge to the next generation by instructing and equipping others.

     He agreed to head up a new training program in which he would teach amateur rock climbers the basic techniques.  Not long after the program started he led a few students up a rock wall.  Just forty feet from the ground he lost his footing and plummeted to his death.

     This great climber had traveled all over the world and conquered some of the fiercest mountains, yet in the most elementary climb he stumbled.  His death serves as a sober reminder: even the most experienced and trained people can lose their balance when climbing the smallest of mountains.

     Mountain climbing is no easy task.  Financial, emotional, and spiritual hills, even for the most experienced climbers, can be dangerous.  Oftentimes the smallest trials present the biggest troubles.  Paul said, “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”