January 26 – Solace in the Storm

Not long ago a severe thunderstorm came through our community.  My family gathered in the living room and watched the damage of the massive storm unfold on television.  Lightning crashed all around us, the sirens sounded at the nearby fire stations, and the meteorologist warned all of his viewers to take immediate cover.

     Knowing that we could not panic, my wife and I kept our composure in front of our children.  The weather was relentless that evening but surprisingly my children were not bothered at all by the storm.  They found strength and security in my response.  The storm was more dangerous than they realized, but by keeping their attention on us, they were able to go through it without any terror or alarm.

     As children of God we too can fearlessly face the storm when we consider the strength and security of our heavenly Father.  As long as Peter kept his eyes on the Lord he was able to operate in faith; it was only when he took his eyes off the Lord he became frightened by the storm. 

     The storm may be stronger than you, but it is not stronger than God.  Keep your eyes on the Lord and you may not even realize it is raining!