January 23 – He Took My Place

Barabbas was not a good man.  On the contrary, he was a rebel, a murderer, a robber, a notable prisoner.  Yet, the crowd cried out for his release from jail.  In return, they wanted Jesus crucified.  The religious mob stood before Pilate that day and demanded the freedom of a wicked man in exchange for the life of Christ.

     The context of their evil request stood in light of Passover.  The Levitical law ordered the high priest to select two goats from the fold.  One animal would be sacrificed while the other was set free in the wilderness by a “fit man.”  When Barabbas was released from prison he stood in type and shadow of the freedom we receive in the death of Jesus Christ.  As a matter of fact, the name Barabbas means, “the son of a father.”  Quite literally Barabbas stood as any and every man before God.      

 Jesus, the Son of the Father took our place at Calvary.  He was innocent, righteous, and holy; yet like Barabbas, we were guilty, condemned, and sentenced to die. The spotless Lamb of God became the substitution for every “son of the father.”  He died to release us from the bondage and burden of sin.  As someone has anonymously said, “The life Christ lived qualified Him for the death He died, and the death He died qualifies us for the life we live.”