Studies conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau show that Americans are spending more time in their vehicles than ever before. The daily commute for the average American translates into about one hundred hours of driving time each year. To put that in perspective, we are driving more hours than we spend on vacation. What do we do with that time? How can we be productive during those frustrating hours of commute? Here are a few suggestions:
Pray. You certainly do not want to confine your prayer life solely on the road, but what a great opportunity it is to talk with God. By the way, you may not want to close your eyes!
Listen to Christian Resources. Whether it is music, preaching, or audio books, you can use that time to grow in your walk with the Lord.
Catch up on Bible Time. There are plenty of programs that will read the Bible to you. If you missed your devotion that morning, catch up while going down the road.Worship. Use that time to worship the Lord. You do not have to be in a sanctuary to have church. Sing to the Lord; honor Him with your lips. Use your drive time as a means to go somewhere with God!