December 4 – Giving Yourself to Others

Of all the things we give away, ourselves is perhaps the most significant.  How can we give of ourselves to the benefit of others?

1. Pray for them. A.J. Gordan said, “You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.” Begin calling their name to the Lord in prayer.

2. Send correspondence. There are many ways to stay connected with friends and family these days; but there is something very special about a hand-written letter. I know it is an ancient practice, but grab a sheet of paper and pen and jot down an encouraging note to someone in need.

3. Listen to them. People are not always looking for a fix they are just looking for a friend. I have discovered in most of my counseling that a majority of people simply want to be heard and understood.

4. Take them to lunch. Nothing encourages the soul like food! Especially when it is shared with a good friend. Take an extra 30 minutes out of the day and take someone to their favorite restaurant and pick up the tab.

5. Share your own experiences. Open up and share an experience where God has brought you through a difficult time. Be sure to share with them the victory and assurance of the peace of God.

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