October 24 – Running with the Father

In the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, track star Derrick Redman pulled a hamstring while running the 400-meter.  Falling to the ground he mustered up the strength to stand back up, and in heroic fashion began hobbling on one leg toward the finish line.

     When Jim Redman, Derrick’s father, saw the agony of his son he jumped the fence, ran to his side, and walked along Derrick until they both reached the finish line together.  In one of the most iconic images in Olympic history, the crowd stood to their feet with roaring applause.

     I am thankful to know that my heavenly Father does the same for me every single day.  I stumble, I trip, and I fall, but never without the assistance of my great God and Savior.  He is always there to help aid and assist me during those times when I run off course. 

     One day, together, we will cross the finish line for the final time.  We will be met with a great cloud of witnesses who has cheered us on.  I will be the one who wins, I will be the one who finished, but I would have never made it without Him helping me along the way.  The true reward of the race will not be the prize you receive at the end, but finally meeting, face to face, the Person who walked with you long the way.

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