October 21 – Whispers from the Whirlwind

Someone recently asked me if God still spoke to His people.  I am not only certain that God can speak; I believe wholeheartedly that God does speak.  God speaks through the Spirit, He speaks through the Scriptures, He speaks through the Saints, and He speaks through the Savior.  But according to the book of Job, God speaks through another avenue as well: He speaks through the Storm.

     “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind” (Job 38:1).  The voice of God was clearly heard through the storm.  While Job sat among the ashes of a destroyed life, he endured the judgmental rebuke of his “friends.” He tried to process the agony of his soul and could not find the answers.  He questioned his existence, he questioned his character, and he even questioned his God.   But through the turbulent winds of sovereignty He heard the voice of the Lord.  God was in the storm, and God provided answers through the storm.

     Storms by nature are destructive and volatile, but they exist and function under the providence of God.  Though it may seem ironic, the peace and solace of God is often discovered through the most turbulent of times.  Do not be fearful when you face the storm; God just might have something to tell you.

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