September 16 – Born to Die

There are some men who are born for greatness; their lives overflow  with accolades, achievement, and accomplishment.  They live with divine unction, and lead with poise and grace. 

     Some men were born to create artistic masterpieces; men like Rembrandt, DaVinci, Michelangelo, Mozart, and Beethoven.  Some men were born to write.  With their pen and imagination, they take us into other worlds.  Men like Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, and William Shakespeare.  Some men were born to lead.  The names Washington, Napoleon, MacArthur, and Stonewall Jackson remind us of great military efforts.  Some men were born to pastor.  Charles Spurgeon, W.A. Criswell, Adrian Rogers, Lee Roberson…all these men built great, dynamic ministries.  Some men were born for sports.  Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Larry Bird, and Babe Ruth are all iconic champions.

     But only one man in history was born with the sole purpose to die.  Jesus came to die so that you and I could have eternal life.  His greatness was ultimately discovered in a grave.  As the song so beautifully puts it, “Born to die, a cruel cross to bear, born to die, so that I his love may share. Born to die, His precious life to give, born to die, so that I might live.”

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