September 14 – My Favorite Place on Earth

Most of the people I know have certain places they love to visit frequently.  There are some people who love going to the mountains every year, while others prefer the beach.  Some love to travel out of country, while others love staying close to home.  For me my favorite place on planet earth is actually a place I have never physically visited Mount Calvary.

     At Calvary I realized how much God loves me.  At Calvary I received forgiveness of my sins.  At Calvary I was released from the bondage of the law.  At Calvary I was freed from the grip of Satan.  At Calvary I secured my eternal fate in heaven.

     Hymn-writer William Newell said, “Mercy there was great, and grace was free; pardon there was multiplied for me.  There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary.”

     Although I have not seen the glorious mount with my physical eyes, by faith I have visited the place where my Lord and Savior died for my sin.  Today I humble my wretched soul at His side.  I can one day see Him in His glory because I have seen Him in His suffering.  How precious Calvary is to me; that is why it is my favorite place on earth.

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