September 13 – The Veil is Gone

Christ lived as no other man lived.  His perfection, words, miracles, nature, and power are unparalleled.  He said things and did things that no one in history can emulate.  Because Christ lived as no other man lived that means He died as no other man died.  When the Lord Jesus died on Calvary His death was accompanied with several signs.  The sky turned dark, the earth trembled, the graves burst open, and the veil in the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom.

     The renting of the veil was a monumental event.  This veil was sixty feet high and thirty feet wide.  It weighed an estimated four to six tons.  It stood between Holy God and unholy man.  It was a constant reminder to mankind that they were separated from the Lord God.

     But when Christ died, the veil was rent.  The death of Jesus was the final and official sacrifice needed for man to enter into the Holy Place just beyond the veil.  The cumbersome curtain was rent not only for man to enter into the presence of God, but for the presence of God to enter into man.

     You see, God no longer encounters man behind a veil; now He lives within man through a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

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