September 10 – The Water of a King

One of the most unusual items ever bought and sold was a cup of water that was reported to have been in the possession of Elvis Presley.  It is said that the few tablespoons of water were left over from a plastic cup he drank from during a North Carolina concert in 1977.  The “prized possession” sold for a staggering $455. 

     You may ask, “Why would someone pay that much money for a few drops of water?”  Well, there is an expression in the world of buying and selling antiques- “It is worth whatever someone will pay for it.”  People are willing to pay high prices based upon their affection toward a particular item in essence, this sets the value of the possession.  Thomas Pain asserts, “What we obtain too cheaply we esteem too little; it is dearness only that gives everything its value.” 

     Consider the purchased possession of God.  We were wicked, carnal humanity flawed, marred, and full of sin; yet God paid the ultimate price in that He gave His only Son to die in our place.  God purchased you and me; and He did this because of His affection toward us.   Are we worth it?  Some would say “no” but God says “yes.”  We are dear to Him and that dearness determines our value.  He does not love us because we are valuable; we are valuable because He loves us!

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