September 6 – Greater Love Hath No Man

Petty Officer Michael Monsoor is probably not a name you are familiar with but he is a hero.  Monsoor was part of a dedicated team of Navy Seals fighting the insurgents in Iraq.  In 2006, he was stationed at a sniper lookout in eastern Ramadi, Iraq with three other Navy Seals.  Suddenly a grenade was tossed into their station by an insurgent.   Immediately, Monsoor threw himself atop the grenade saving the lives of his friends.

     When interviewed by the Associated Press, one of the Navy Seals said this of Monsoor, “He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down toward it…He undoubtedly saved my life and the lives of the other men… we owe him.”

     This selfless and sacrificial act of heroism is a stirring reminder of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.  He died so that we might live.  He took our sins, our shame, and our guilt and bore it at the cross of Calvary.  Jesus Himself described the greatest act of love, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a many lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).  May we honor the sacrifice of Michael Monsoor as a token of the greatest love ever shown Christ’s love to us.

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