September 5 – Before and After

There is something very effective about “Before and After” pictures. Whether it is a weight-loss product or a home-improvement tool, we love to see what something looked like before, and what it looks like now.  This marketing technique is effective because it gives us an idea on how the product can and will change our life.

     The life of the apostle Paul had some dramatic changes.  His “Before” picture was not very appealing.  He was a persecutor of the church, a self-righteous zealot, and a hate-filled religious leader.  His cold and insolent manner proved that he only knew about God he certainly didn’t know God.  But his “After” picture was altogether different.  Saul of Tarsus transformed into the apostle Paul, an infectious soul.  He became the dynamic leader of the early church.  His love and affection toward the brethen was undeniable, and his God-given abilties were unmistakable.

    Why such a dramatic change?  On the road to Damascus, Saul of Tarsus met the risen Savior, and his life would forever be different.  The difference between his “Before and After” picture was his relationship with Christ.  Jesus is still in the life-changing business.  He can do for us what no other person, program, or product can do.

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