August 31 – Kingdom Kindness

Monthly Archives: August 2024

Posted On Title Excerpt Replies
September 16, 2024 September 16 – Born to Die There are some men who are born for greatness; their lives overflow  with accolades, achievement, and accomplishment.  They live with divine unction, and lead with poise and grace.       Some men were born to create artistic masterpieces; men like Rembrandt, 0
September 15, 2024 September 15 – The Message of the Mediator God created man in a sinless paradise.  He walked with man in the midst of the garden in the cool of the day; but that relationship was grossly divided when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command.  Between Holy God and 0
September 14, 2024 September 14 – My Favorite Place on Earth Most of the people I know have certain places they love to visit frequently.  There are some people who love going to the mountains every year, while others prefer the beach.  Some love to travel out of country, while others 0
September 13, 2024 September 13 – The Veil is Gone Christ lived as no other man lived.  His perfection, words, miracles, nature, and power are unparalleled.  He said things and did things that no one in history can emulate.  Because Christ lived as no other man lived that means He 0
September 12, 2024 September 12 – Changing Direction In the first chapter of the book of Isaiah God gave an indictment against the nation of Israel.  He said, “they have gone away backward” (Isaiah 1:6).  As a result of their departure they were living in turmoil.  When you 0
September 11, 2024 September 11 – We Serve a Big God The eleventh day of September will always be a day of national reflection.  Most people will always remember where they were when they either heard the news or watched the terror unfold live on television.  I recall the sense of 0
September 10, 2024 September 10 – The Water of a King One of the most unusual items ever bought and sold was a cup of water that was reported to have been in the possession of Elvis Presley.  It is said that the few tablespoons of water were left over from 0
September 9, 2024 September 9 – I Will be His Friend During the Civil War, President Lincoln received many letters from soldiers who were sentenced to death because of their abandonment and desertion.  Oftentimes their appeal would be accompanied by letters from family and friends.  The prisoners would seek the help 0
September 8, 2024 September 8 – The Wrong People I love to study the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11.  Their acts of courage and heroism inspire and motivate me to attempt great things for God.  And although their faith was extraordinary, they were just ordinary people.  As a 0
September 7, 2024 September 7 – The Beauty of Jesus Christ The Hollywood Jesus is a very handsome, whimsical, statuesque man.  He has beautiful flowing hair, perfect teeth, a glowing complexion, bright blue eyes, and a manly physique.  Movies, plays, and dramas have given us an impression as to what Jesus 0