Serving the Lord is the most blessed activity on planet earth; but if we believe it is exempt from difficulty we are sadly mistaken. This truth is evident in the life of Noah. Noah was a righteous man in his generation and found grace in the sight of God. He was handed an unprecedented task of building an ark. This endeavor was full of opposition. Consider the following truths about his labor:
It was a Ludicrous Task. Noah was called to build something unheard of: an ark. His task was mocked and scorned by the world.
It was a Lonely Task. Noah oftentimes found himself alone in the work of His God. No associates, companions, or co-workers helping him out.
It was a Laborious Task. This was a daunting task. When you analyze the blueprints given by God, you will discover this was a labor-intensive project.
It was a Long Task. His work on the ark spanned for 120 years. This was not a project that was to be accomplished overnight.
Burn-out is a real issue in the service of the Lord; if not careful, we can allow our opposition to hinder us from fulfilling God’s plan and purpose in our lives. See the big picture: Realize that what you are doing is not in vain. When Noah came off the ark, it was then he realized it was worth it after all.