January 30 – Eating Early

My Daily Bread Prayers — Generals International

Years ago someone asked me if it was mandatory to pray every day. I asked them if they liked to eat every day, to which they replied “of course.” Well, the Lord said to ask for “daily” bread; not weekly bread, or monthly bread, or holiday bread. Jesus implied that prayer should be a part of our every-day life.

     The fellow proceeded to ask me at what time he should pray in each day. I replied, “It depends on when you like to eat.” He was somewhat puzzled; so I continued to tell him the fact that Jesus said “daily bread” insinuates that we pray early. Logically speaking we wouldn’t pray for daily bread after the day is over. Not only did Jesus imply to pray daily, He implied to pray early every day.

     I wonder how many meals we would miss if God gave in accordance to the quality and quantity of our prayer life. Some people would go for days, some months, and some even years without a well-balanced meal. I am thankful that His blessings far surpass our faithfulness; but when we are faithful to pray, He is certain to give us His blessings. Spend time with Him early, seeking the provisions for each day.