Only in death will our prayer life come to perfect maturity. It is then we will accomplish the ultimate aim of prayer: to be in the perpetual and uninterrupted presence of God. But until then, we can make strides in our prayer life. What can we do differently as we approach the throne?
Learn to Listen. We limit our prayer life when we do all the talking; half of prayer is listening. Be still, be quiet, and allow the Lord to speak without interruption on your part.
Move beyond Shallow, Meaningless Words. Empty statements and phrases are the curse of prayer. Whatever words we use, make sure those words are not ordered in vague generalities.
Be Gut-Wrenchingly Honest. C.S. Lewis said, “May it be the real I who speaks. May it be the real Thou that I speak to.” Just be real with God, and move beyond the pretentious façades that fool everyone else.
Seek His Will in the Nuances. What really develops a strong relationship is seeking God’s will in the minutiae of life. Such a pursuit will force you to your knees in the most inconspicuous moments. It is how we live consciously in the presence of God.