January 2 – Bowing Your Mind in Prayer

When Prayer Fails Us | My Jewish Learning

In 1550, a number of religious and influential people met in Essex to discuss the position of one’s posture in prayer. Some thought that prayer should be observed while standing, others said prayer is at its best when kneeling. They also discussed whether or not a covering should be placed upon one’s head while entering into the prayer closet.
After much discussion and debate, the council agreed by in large that attitude, not position, was the greatest condition of prayer. Bodily posture, though important in prayer, should never supersede the posture of the mind. The question therefore stands to be asked: where is your mind when you pray?
If you are like most people, your mind drifts, wonders, and gets off track. What good is it to bow before the throne of God, if your mind is standing in the courts of man? No matter what position you choose in prayer, one thing is certain: wherever your mind is, your prayer will follow. I wonder how often our prayers really reach the throne.
Today when you pray, evaluate the posture of your mind. Have you bowed your thoughts to God? Have you directed your mediation toward heaven? What is really on your mind when you speak your mind to God?