“Kindness is a language the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear and understand.” –Christian Bovee
Not long ago I was sitting in one of my favorite restaurants preparing to eat one of my favorite meals when I noticed some commotion at an adjacent table. Apparently the guests had felt neglected and disrespected by their server. I heard them communicate their frustration to the manager and storm out of the restaurant without having the opportunity to even order their food. This happened at the very moment our meal arrived to our table…and it was delicious.
As I enjoyed my meal I thought about how this couple missed out on a really good steak. They missed out because of their frustration with the server. It wasn’t the food they were aggravated with; it was the one that served them.
I wonder how many people will never taste the Bread of Life because of the neglect and indifference of those who present Him. People will never be dissatisfied with Christ–He is the Satisfier of the Soul. But many times they are discontent with the service of His followers, and therefore walk away without ever knowing of His goodness and grace. If you have tasted the Bread of Life, serve others…with a smile on your face.
Daily Reading: Psalms 115-118
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