March 17 – Building the Lives of Others

Millard Fuller became a millionaire at the age of twenty-nine.  He and his wife had anything and everything the world offered.  They lived a life of luxury and comfort until one day Richard came home to an empty house.  He found a note from his wife declaring she had left him along with all the niceties of their life.

     Millard found her at a nearby hotel where they talked about the emptiness and vanity of their riches.  She told him she was cold and indifferent in her heart.  At the bedside they both prayed together and made a decision to sell all they had.  They committed the rest of their lives to serving the poor.  The Fullers soon started an organization to assist their community; it was called Habitat for Humanity.  To this date, the organization has provided over 600,000 homes for low-income families, and has helped over three million people around the world.

     The Fullers came to terms with the words of Jesus, “He that findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”  In the process of seeking Christ and serving others we are promised to find joy and contentment for ourselves.  Billy Graham said it best, “God has given us two hands, one to receive and the other to give.”  The Fullers would concur, and so would the thousands they have helped.

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