There are very few things I enjoy more than spending time with my family on vacation. We love going to places we have never been and experiencing different environments and cultures. Out of all the places we travel though, no other place is as precious as the House of God.
The psalmist David said, “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” (Psalm 84:10). One thousand days is close to three years. One can see a lot in three years; if given enough effort, you could quite possibly see the entire world. But the entire world, with its majestic scenery and glorious landscape cannot compare to one day in the House of God! David had great admiration and affection toward God’s House. To him it was a place of rest, refuge, rejoicing, and redemption. He did not go to God’s House out of obligation or religious routine; he went to find solace and strength for his soul. He went to meet God and grow in holiness.
We should not grudgingly come into the House of God with a thousand other things (or places) on our mind. When we enter His courts, we should do so with praise and thanksgiving. We have come to meet the King!