March 5 – A Book Like None Other

When asked what book he would like to have if stranded on a desert island, G.K. Chesterton cleverly replied, “Thomas’ Guide to Practical Ship Building.”  He said he could not imagine himself in that kind of circumstance but if such an occasion arrived he would like to at least have a chance to get home.

     Although Chesterston’s answer seems logical and quite witty, there is another book that would be far more helpful –the Holy Bible.  As John Quincy Adams said, “The Bible is the book of all others, to be read at all ages, and in all conditions of human life.” (Even on a stranded island).

     The Bible indeed is for all conditions of human life.  The Word of God has an answer for every question we face.  It has light for our darkened paths.  It is a sword and shield for the war-torn soldier. It is a cool drink of water for the dry, parched soul.       The Bible is the only book that reads the reader. It provides nourishment, direction, inspiration, comfort, and rebuke.  It is alive.  Thomas’ Guide to Practical Ship Building may give instruction on to how to escape a desert island, but the Holy Bible gives instruction on how to get to our heavenly home.

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