Traffic jams, crowded doctor offices, and long lines at the grocery store far too often expose my impatience. There is nothing about waiting that I enjoy, but it is an inevitable part of life. Someone has rightly said: “If the request is wrong, God says “No.” If the timing is wrong, God says “Slow.” If I am wrong, God says “Grow.” But if all three are right, God says “Go.” That sounds good in theory, but my biggest problem is that I rarely have all three (requests, timing, and self) in sync with each other. So the inevitable occurs…I have to wait.
Sometimes it feels as though God is a Sunday-afternoon driver; He is taking His sweet time; all the while, I am in the car behind him with the psalmist David in the backseat asking, “How long? How long, O God?” (Psalm 13). Have you ever wanted God to just hurry up?
God doesn’t just want you to get to a desired location; He wants you to enjoy the ride. To the slow Sunday-afternoon driver, the journey is just as important as the destination. God may be going slower than you would like because He wants you to see something you have never seen. Stop honking the horn and flashing the lights, God is not only taking you to where you need to go, He wants you to enjoy where you are. Keep following Him.