March 1 – He will Carry Me

French acrobat Charles Blondin was a legend in his time.  In 1859, he crossed the entire width of Niagara Falls on a tightrope.  During his prime he walked the tightrope with a wheelbarrow, another time blindfolded, and once even on stilts.  Perhaps the most amazing feat of his life was when he walked the rope while carrying another man on his back.

     What is so amazing is not that he was able to carry the man, but that he was able to convince the man to let him carry him.  That my friend is what you call trust. This unidentified fellow didn’t just believe, in theory, that Blondin was able to carry him; he put his faith to the test.

     What a beautiful picture of our relationship of faith in Jesus Christ.  Faith is an action word.  It moves beyond religious rhetoric and theory.  Genuine faith climbs on the back of the Savior and believes fully that He is able to sustain and support us.  

     A.W. Tozer said, “How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God Who has none.”  You and I could never cross the great span between earth and heaven, man and God; but we can trust in Jesus Christ to carry us all the way to glory by His power and strength. 

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