February 13 – The Sweetness of God’s Word

In his book Christlike, Bill Hull describes how Jewish rabbis influence their students to read the Word of God.  He notes, “They put honey on the fingers of their young male students and have them smear it on a tablet.  The boys are then instructed to lick the tablet to taste the sweetness of the Torah, the Law of God.  Taking in the Word of God is to be a total sensory experience because it is to change everything about us, from head to toe.”

     In Psalm 19:10 the psalmist spoke of the sweetness of God’s Word, “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” And again in Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are thy words unto my taste, yea, sweeter than the honey to my mouth.”  

     R.A. Torrey said, “Any day we neglect to feed on the Word of God, we leave an open door through which Satan is sure to enter our hearts and lives.”  God has given us His Word not only for instruction and direction, but for joy and gladness.  The truths discovered in the Bible will stimulate your mind, strengthen you spirit, satisfy your thirst, stir your heart, and sanctify your body.  Sift through the pages and taste His goodness.  God has spread a table in every jot and tittle.  Delight in His Word and His Word will delight you.

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