Hundreds of ministries fail each year because of the blurred lines of accountability. Thousands of marriages are destroyed routinely because lines in the proverbial sand are not drawn. We all need accountability systems in place to protect and safeguard our lives. “If we don’t have proper and reasonable lines of accountability, then our only guide will be the expectations we put on ourselves,” said Mel Lawrenz, “and we should not trust ourselves that much.”
“We should not trust ourselves that much” is an understatement. I believe the reason many men of God experience moral failure is because they wrongly assess their strength. They measure their spiritual grit by personality, success, degree, influence, and popularity. As a result, pride permeates the heart and the seeds of temptation germinate in the soul. Delusion sets in and convinces us that we can trust our flesh. Joseph, when tempted in the Old Testament, ran out of Potiphar’s house, not because he was spiritual, but because he recognized his own carnality: we all should do the same.
Keep safeguards in place and hold yourself accountable to those particular boundaries. And remember not to “trust yourself that much.”