January 22 – Learning to be Content

One of the most fascinating comments made by the Apostle Paul is found in Philippians 4:11, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”  Obviously these words were not recorded by Paul, the young, eager zealot.  No, they were written by Paul, the seasoned veteran who was coming into the wintry season of ministry and life.  The contentment Paul discovered was a wonderful find, but his discovery was not an overnight revelation.

     Paul said it was something he learned.  I am sure the first few times he was cast into prison he found little contentment.  By his own admission he prayed three times for the thorn to be taken away.  One would assume that Paul didn’t necessarily like the beatings, the persecution, and the hardships, at least initially. But through the adversities he learned something about contentment –it is not found in the absence of trouble, rather is it found in the presence of God.  Contentment is something that flows from above and then from within.  

     His struggles did not restrict his contentment, and his successes did not merit his contentment.  His contentment was something learned after many years of leaning on and trusting in Christ.  If your contentment is not in the Lord you will never be happy.  If it is in the Lord you will never be happier.