January 1 – Starting the New Year

The start of a New Year affords many opportunities.  It is not only a time to reflect and remember the past, but also a time to plan and prepare for the future.  It reminds us of the importance of starting out right.  The way you start something sets the pace and the potential for what you can achieve.  Start the New Year with a few basic principles:

1. Start the New Year with God. Make it a priority to spend some time with God every day this year.  Determine to read, pray, give, serve, and faithfully attend church with a renewed zeal and passion.

2. Start the New Year with Goals. George Lorimer said, “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you plan to go to bed with satisfaction.”  Limit your goals to an obtainable list and get to work!

3. Start the New Year with Grit.  These next 365 days are sure to be filled with some adversities and hardships.  Be ready and prepared for hard times and trust in God in advance to provide for your needs.

4.Start the New Year with Grace. Are there friendships that need restoring?  Is there a person in your life that needs your forgiveness?  Do you have grudges or feelings of ill will?  Carry no resentment or bitterness into the New Year; extend God’s grace in the same way you received it!

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