December 23 – Vacancy at Christmas

The world has never been accommodating to Christ.  From the very beginning of His life, Jesus found little room in this world.  It is somewhat ironic that the Creator of the universe had trouble finding a place to dwell; but that was the case when Mary and Joseph entered Bethlehem looking for a room.

     Bible commentator John Philips said, “No Room! That was the innkeeper’s last word – no room! But that was not true.  There was the innkeeper’s own room, but he never once considered that.  No indeed! Let these peasants with the Nazareth accent make do with the shed.” 

     We, too, have made little room for Christ – sadly, even at Christmas.  If Christmas is not about Christ, it is not about anything!  Parties, trees, gifts, lights, desserts, and gifts are all vanity without the understanding of what they represent. 

     Don’t allow this day to get so crowded with tradition that you fail to avoid truth. Don’t celebrate the season without making room for the Savior.  Gather the family together, read the Christmas story, pray together, and honor Christ on this very special day.  Let Him know you have a vacancy in your heart.

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