I always stand amazed at the striking differences between the Wise Men and the shepherds. They literally were worlds apart. These two groups were different socially, financially, religiously, and even intellectually.
The Wise Men were more than likely from oriental descent. They studied the cosmos and gave much attention to the mysteries of the universe. They were affluent, educated, and respected men of degree. The shepherds on the other hand were considered unlearned and unclean men. In many ways, they were much lower on the social ladder. They were poor, common, and men of low estate.
As different as these men were, they had one thing in common: they both came to Christ. Interestingly enough, Christ came into their world to unite those who were worlds apart. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female, bond or free. Faith in Christ guarantees our position in His body, thus uniting the most diverse and varied men. In the book of Revelation, John testified that people from all nations, all tribes and all tongues were singing praise unto the One that united them together. Christ gives all men, regardless of ethnicity, economics, or environment, the opportunity to become part of one family – the family of God.