December 8 – The Royal Baby Shower

I remember being overwhelmed at the first baby shower we had for our twin boys. The church where I served as pastor generously gave us outfits, diapers, toys, carriages, bottles, and just about anything that squeaked.  As we went through the items in the proceeding days I remember how blessed we felt by the gifts, and how special our children must have been to receive such abundant gifts.

     Imagine how Mary must have felt when the Wise Men brought gifts to the Lord Jesus.  There were no lavish parties, no formal invitations, no streamers, cakes, or congratulations.  Just a few men searching for the King. How surprised they must have been to find the small child in such humble surroundings.  They did not bring pacifiers, pull-ups, or portable potties.  Instead they gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Gold was the gift for a king; frankincense, the gift for a priest; and myrrh, the gift for a suffering Savior.

     This royal “baby shower” declared the particular roles that Christ came to fulfill.  These gifts would clearly articulate Who Christ was and what He came to do. The King of kings became our Great High Priest as He suffered and died as the world’s Savior.  That, by far, was the greatest gift.

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