Over the past few years I have tried to live by a daily philosophy…to live every day as though it is the only day to be examined at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Stop just for a moment and reread that sentence.
In case you didn’t go back; let me repeat it, “Live every day as though it is the only that will be examined at the Judgment Seat of Christ.”
Once the magnitude of that statement settled into my heart, I realized the significance and responsibility of serving God every day. Every day will be examined. Every decision, motive, intent, word, expression, and attitude will fall under the righteous assessment of God. So to set each day into its proper motion, we must intend to start the day with God.
As George Lorimar said, “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you are going to go to bed with satisfaction.”
Nothing substitutes our devotion. Nothing. It is from our personal time with God that life flows. Ministry, service, worship, and power are all nurtured through those early morning hours of solitude, study and supplication. Give the first hours of your day to the Lord and it is certain He will guide and govern your steps throughout the rest of the day.