September 27 – Settling Out of Court

In the first chapter of Isaiah, the Lord Himself gave an invitation to wayward Israel.  He said, “Come now, let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

     Although Israel had been faithful to the religious requirements of the day, they were spiritually distant from God.  They had “gone away backward” from His presence.  They were being sentenced to court by the Lord because of their spiritual condition.  The indictments against them were severe, but God made a plea to “Come now, let us reason together.”

     This was a judicial phrase.  The Lord was literally asking them to “settle out of court.”  He wanted their case to be resolved before the judgment was final.  In His longsuffering and grace, Israel’s divine Judge was giving them an opportunity to be forgiven.

     If God gives you the chance to “settle out of court,” it would be wise to “reason together” with Him. The Lord pleads with us all today to approach the stand, settle the matter, and get things right before the final verdict is declared.  It is better to accept His plea-bargain than to be sentenced by His justice.

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