August 28 – Family Contributions

Time with family is like investing for retirement: small and consistent contributions compounded over an extended period of time leads to a valuable return.  Ronald Reagan said it like this, “Great change in America begins at the dinner table.”  Reagan understood that the betterment of our civilization was not through the channels of legislation or political platform.  It was, and is, through the teaching and training arm of the home. 

     The kind of family you have tomorrow is determined by the kind of investments you make in your family today.  What kind of contributions have you been making lately?  An investment doesn’t just happen.  You have to be intentional and deliberate when putting money into a particular account.  The same is true with our families.

     Sporadic investments are good, but they will never build a healthy portfolio. In large, your legacy will be defined, not by the buildings you erect, the degrees you earn, or the positions you acquire; but by the lives you touch.  The building blocks of your home are laid day after day in the efforts of continual and consistent labor.  Build a family, and you’ll have a place to live for a long time.