July 24 – A Person of IMPACT!

Making a difference in the lives of others requires certain attributes and characteristics.  Being a person of IMPACT doesn’t just happen.  The truth is we are only affected by people who demonstrate certain qualities.  To be a person of IMPACT requires being a person of:

I- Integrity. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”  If your life doesn’t match up with your lips, you will never have influence.

M- Mission. Someone who doesn’t know what they are doing will never be able to lead others in a clear direction.  Vision affords others to see where you are going, and shows others how to get there.

P- Passion. No one is motivated by people who are not.  It takes drive, ambition, and zeal to move the hearts of those around us. Someone who is steered by a clear sense of purpose will be able to steer others.

A- Action.  Talk is cheap if not guaranteed by our walk.  What we say only has value if it matches up with what we do.

C- Consistency.  Anyone can do something once.  A person of influence lives with regularity.  Be an anchor to someone tossed about in life’s sea.

T- Truth.  Without truth no one will ever see the light.  Truth liberates the soul, brightens the path, and changes the heart.  Make an IMPACT!