July 3 – Jumping off the Log

Perhaps you have heard the little story of the twelve frogs on a log.  They all decided to jump into the water.  After they made the decision to jump into the water the question was asked, “How many frogs are now on the log?”  The answer is twelve. Just because you decide to do something doesn’t necessarily mean you do it. 

     Action requires more than good intention or good will.  To accomplish anything in life there must be the determination to follow-through.  How many times have you set goals only to see those goals dissipate because of trial or adversity?  I like what business leader Fred Smith said, “The energy needed to retreat might have been just the amount of energy needed to succeed.”

     James, the half-brother of Jesus put it bluntly in his epistle, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22).  Anyone who ever succeeded did so with a resilient spirit and a commitment to finish the task.  George Lorimar said, “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you plan to go to bed with satisfaction.”  Set your goals and develop a plan, but make it more than ink on a page.  Go ahead, jump off the log!