January 28 – Fast Food or Fine Dining?

Fast Food vs. Fine Dining

When it comes to your prayer life do you offer more fast food prayers or fine-dining prayers? Fast-food praying is quick and easy whereas fine-dining praying is more time-consuming. Fast-food praying is cheap whereas fine-dining praying cost more. Fast-food praying is non-personal, whereas fine-dining involves intimacy and atmosphere. Fast-food praying is pretty tasteless whereas fine-dining praying leaves you full and satisfied. Fast-food praying is on the run whereas fine-dining praying is more intentional and involves reservations.

     For too many believers, their prayer life resembles a drive-through restaurant; very hurriedly they drive up, yell out the window what they want, and quickly get on their way. The problem is that typically there is something greasy and unhealthy waiting for them in a brown paper bag.

     Fine-dining prayer takes time, effort, sacrifice, and intimacy. Fine-dining prayers are those types of prayers that cost us something, but at the end of the meal, they are always worth the expense involved. Make a reservation sometime today with the Lord. Pull up to His Table and enjoy the fellowship and intimacy with Him. When you are at His table you will not only enjoy the meal, you will enjoy the Master!