July 15, 2015 – Forgive, Remember, Forgive Again


“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.” –Corrie Ten Boom

     We tend to view forgiveness as an emotion. The idea in our minds is that we lay a particular offense down and move on, as if it had never happened. The human mind can’t forget pain, though. If you have been hurt, offended, or abused you may have emotionally tried to forgive in one moment, but then relived the infraction later in your mind, only to find yourself offended all over again.

Real forgiveness is a commitment where the burden of animosity and injury is habitually given to the only One who can forgive and forget. We tell ourselves to just get over it but we really can’t get over it on our own. Our psychological makeup builds walls, blocks out pain, or seeks revenge.

The hand of the Forgiver, however, reaches from a high enough place that it has no problem reaching down, taking you and me by the hand, and pulling us up and over it. When you forgive you will remember, but with God’s help you can forgive again.

Daily Reading: Proverbs 7-9

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