May 3, 2015 – The Measure of Influence


“It is common sense to put the seal in the wax while it is still soft.” –Arthur Jackson

     Just for a moment, consider the people in your life who have spiritually influenced you.  More than likely they are men and women who served selflessly, labored patiently, and worshipped faithfully.  They are common, ordinary folks who had direct contact with you. They are parents, pastors, teachers, coaches, youth directors, and the like who merely acted as conduits in your relationship with God.  They led you to spiritual realities that far surpassed their own agendas or goals.  More than likely, their touch in your life left imprints resembling the very hand of Christ.

This, my friend, is what authentic spiritual leadership is about.  The measure of your influence upon others is directly related to God’s measure of influence upon you.  And when God influences you to influence others, your influence will righteously direct them toward God.  The true reward of spiritual influence, therefore, is seeing the nature of Christ in those who follow you.  This is why the apostle Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). He could make such a statement because his motive was pure, his intent was right, and his influence was selfless.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 9-11
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